I often use graphic design as a tool to translate the ideas in my head into something tangible. When I want to get across a certain vibe or concept, I make a graphic. This way friends and co-workers can get a visual representation of what I’m talking about.

What Goes Around Comes Around

I had the opportunity to work as a marketing/creative intern at What Goes Around Comes Around. While I was there, I helped the team with social media strategy. We were looking to raise our engagement on Instagram so I came up with the idea to create fun graphics for IG stories. The idea was that followers could screenshot the graphics and use them for their home screen wallpapers on their phones.

I also came up with the idea to create quizzes for WGACA’s Instagram stories. Followers would take a quiz like “Which bag do you need this fall?” and then would be inclined to click the linked bag at the end and purchase it.

MODE Magazine

MODE Magazine is Fordham’s student-run fashion and lifestyle magazine. These are some of the page layouts I’ve created over the past few semesters.


Below are some of the projects I’ve completed during my time at Fordham. These include graphic design and video concepts.

Sophomore Year - Intro to Graphic Design

Senior Year - Digital Production for New Media

Side Effects

In this project, I address the relationship between women and birth control.  Many women today are realizing that the health problems they face can be correlated to their long term use of different birth control methods.  Our doctors give us the prescription and we stay on it for years, not questioning how it's affecting our bodies outside of protection from unwanted pregnancies.  While birth control is the right option for some people, is it the right choice for everyone? Not everyone will feel the same way when using the same medication.  We must begin a conversation around the way birth control has become a normalized part of women’s daily routines.

Awareness in the Everyday

This video seeks to show how seemingly “mundane” moments can hold so much more depth than one might think.  For my last spring break, my friends and I decided to stay in Santa Monica and Malibu for the week.  Capturing small experiences on camera that I normally wouldn’t have pulled out my phone created an appreciation for day-to-day activities I normally would have taken for granted.  For example, the walk to dinner is just as special as the dinner itself.  I hope viewers get the same feeling through what I’ve put together.